Veggie Transplants
Seven varieties of tomatoes, 2 varieties of bell peppers, and basil
Lots of veg still growing
Just loaded up the farmstand with lots of cherry tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, garlic, swiss chard, kale, zucchini, patty pans, and plums,...
Current Farmstand Hours
Our current farmstand hours are MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY - 10am-5pm
Roasting Chickens
We still have a few frozen roasting chickens for sale at a discounted price (approx. 10% off). Please give us a call i you're interested.
Guesthouse available July 31-August 5
A Last minute cancelation has resulted in our guesthouse accommodation being available this week (July 31-Aug 5). Enjoy a few days...
Mixed Greens Salad
We'll be selling salad mix on Saturday. Things are late and slow this year but the moisture is a blessing!
Lots more broccoli coming!
This week we'll have more broccoli, spinach, mixed salad, Australian Yellow Leaf lettuce, parsley, arugula, salad turnips and asparagus...
Lots of mixed green!
We will continue to have a stir-fry mix and mustard greens for sale on Wednesday and Saturdays. This week we will also have tah tai and...
Farm blog
People have asked us if we've thought of having a blog to let them know what's for sale at the farmstand, so we're going to give it a...